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Networking & Meetings

The ISTAT Miami Conclave offers a variety of opportunities for you to connect with your colleagues and business partners.
Review the networking and meeting opportunities below. Click here to download a printable version of the full schedule. 

ISTAT Foundation Fourth Annual South Florida Golf Tournament

When: Monday, 19 April
Time: Registration opens at 7:30; 8:30 shotgun start; 13:00 -15:00 lunch and awards
Location: The Biltmore Miami Golf Course
Cost: $350 per person, $85 club rental

You're invited to the ISTAT Foundation Fourth Annual South Florida Golf Tournament, taking place this year at the ISTAT Miami Conclave. The Biltmore Miami Golf Course is the perfect setting to start your event and connect with colleagues. Proceeds will benefit the ISTAT Foundation's charitable giving programs. All golf tournament participants will be held to ISTAT Miami Conclave health and safety protocols. 

Registration for the Fourth Annual South Florida Golf Tournament is currently full. Email to be added to the waitlist. 


ISTAT Past President's Run

When: Monday, 19 April and Tuesday, 20 April 
Time: 7:30
Location: Meet Outside of The Biltmore Lobby Entrance

Join us for a scenic three-mile run from the legendary Biltmore through the beautiful Coral Gables and around the nearby Alhambra golf course. This run can easily be extended to five or seven miles by adding an additional loop around the course or shortened to two miles by turning back when you wish. Water, towels, and snacks will be provided at the start and finish outside of the hotel's front lobby.


Welcome Reception

When: Monday, 19 April
Time: 16:00 - 18:00
Location: Conference Centre Ballroom and Terrace

Whether you're coming from the golf course or have just arrived, stop by the hotel terrace for an outdoor welcome reception. Drinks and light food will be available, and tables will be spread out so that you can connect with colleagues and prepare for tomorrow's meetings.


Discussion Tables

When: Tuesday, 20 April
Time: 14:30 - 15:30
Location: Alhambra Ballroom

Ditch the screens and join your colleagues for in-depth discussions on industry topics and trends, led by fellow ISTAT members. Additional discussion topics will be announced shortly, along with discussion leaders.

Topics will include: 

Capital Markets moderated by Douglas W. Runte, Managing Director & Head of Aviation Research, Deutsche Bank and Mark Streeter, Managing Director, JP Morgan Securities, Inc. 

Appraising Aircraft in a Challenging Market moderated by Bryson Monteleone, Chairman, ISTAT Appraisers Program and Senior Advisor, Aviation Finance Advisory Services, PwC Ireland

Insurance and Aircraft Finance moderated by Kostya Zolotusky, Managing Partner, iFLI and Bob Morin, Managing Director, Transaction and Business Development Leader, Aircraft Finance Insurance Consortium, Marsh USA Inc

OEM Landscapes After The Pandemic moderated by Michael Warner, Managing Director - Aircraft Programs and Valuations, Boeing Capital and Sarah Aoun, Head of Capital Markets Financing, Airbus

Airline Recovery moderated by Helane Becker, Managing Director, Cowen and Company

Transitioning and Trading of Mid-Life Assets - The New Reality moderated by Jeff Lewis, Senior Vice President, Fortress Investment Group LLC

The Recovery Outlook for Mainline Current Generation Narrowbody Aircraft and Options for Exit moderated by Marc Cho, Chief Investment Officer and President of L.I.F.T, GA Telesis



When: Tuesday, 20 April
Time: 8:00 - 17:30
Location: Alhambra and Granada Ballrooms, Center Terrace, Southwest Terrace

It has been too long since we were able to make deals in person. Get back to business with open spaces throughout the hotel, reserved tables, or reserved private meeting rooms.

The Deal Zone: Private Meeting Rooms
All reservations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. All meeting participants must be registered for the conference. Contact to reserve your room and outdoor table.


ISTAT Women's Networking Reception in conjunction with IAWA

When: Tuesday, 20 April
Time: 15:30 - 16:30
Location: Danielson

The women of ISTAT are welcome to join us for a reception in celebration of the advancement of women in the aviation industry. Come exchange notes with industry leaders about the challenges of the past year and opportunities to come.


Closing Reception

When: Tuesday, 20 April
Time: 16:00 - 18:00
Location: Conference Centre Ballroom and Terrace

The end of a successful new ISTAT event deserves a celebration. Drinks and appetizers will be served at a closing reception on the hotel's lawn as we raise a toast to a year filled with more opportunties to reconnect.
