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ISTAT Chalet

Enjoy the best views of the International Paris Air Show at the ISTAT Chalet! The Chalet, which is open exclusively to members, offers a convenient setting to entertain business guests and network with colleagues. Light snacks, sandwiches and beverages will be provided.

17-23 June 2019
Paris, France

ISTAT Family Days: Friday - Saturday

Bring your family to the air show and watch the spectacular flying displays in comfort and enjoy light refreshments. Members are allowed to bring up to five guests on designated family days, and children of all ages are especially welcomed.

Please note children under the age of 16 are not allowed at the Chalet, except on Friday, 21 June and Saturday, 22 June.

ISTAT Charity Day: Sunday

On Sunday, 23 June, the ISTAT Chalet will be closed to members and other guests for a private charity event. We encourage you to attend the Chalet on the Professional Days (Monday - Thursday), or with your family and children on the Family Days (Friday - Saturday).

Online registration for the chalet is now closed; however, registration remains open onsite. The chalet is only available to ISTAT members. Members do have to pay $300 per guest.

Separate registration for the International Paris Air Show is required. Learn more.



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